Thursday, February 20, 2014

Less Than A Month!!!

     I can't believe that in less than a month Zoe will be here!! The anticipation of meeting her is driving me crazy! There is not a day that goes by that I don't question what/who she will look like, what her personality will be like, or the type of baby she will be. Nathan and I talk about all the things we want to do with her and all the places we want to take her. We talk about when her and I take the trip down to Texas to see him this summer and how cute she will look in her little bikini!! Just the idea of doing things as a family rather than a couple makes me super anxious.
     I love hearing Nathan talk to my belly, or seeing him go into Zoe's room just waiting for the day that we get to bring her home! I know I am soooooo pumped Zoe will be with us soon, but the fact that Nathan is equally excited makes the waiting for her arrival even harder. The other day, Nate said he couldn't wait for the time when I had to go somewhere and he got the opportunity to hang out with just Zoe for the day, just the two of them!! He is going to make a great dad. If I am being honest I am already jealous of the relationship he will have with our daughter because I wasn't as fortunate to have that type of relationship with my dad.
     People ask me all the time, am I ready? Well if they mean do we have the car seats in, the diaper bags packed, the babies room done, clothes bought, stalked up on diapers, my hospital bag ready to go, and all the baby gear set up...then I guess we are ready. But, if they mean am I ready for the biggest change of my life...then I would say I don't know. I know I am ready to meet her and love her. I just wonder am I really ready to care for another human being. Not just an human being but our daughter. I worry because I have never done this before, but I worry less when I think of all the other people that have never done it before either.
     I look forward to becoming a mommy next month! I look forward to Nathan becoming a daddy. I look forward to spending all my time with her and then some. I look forward to watching her become her own little person day-to-day. I look forward to reading to her. I look forward to going to the zoo and shopping with her.  I look forward to having someone to spend time with while Nathan is at school. I look forward to taking her down to campus to meet Nathan for lunch. I look forward to the visits home. I look forward to the walks around the park. I look forward to all the pictures and videos that will be taken. I look forward to what our new life will be like in less than 4 weeks!!!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who Will You Look Like??

How will you be? 
Will you look like Daddy or me? 
Ten little fingers and ten little toes, 
A wrinkled up forehead and a cute button nose. 
You will be crying with that first cold touch, 
And so will I because I love you so much.
 ~ Wendy Dahlke

Thursday, January 2, 2014


     Today I realized that tomorrow might be the last day that both Nathan and I will both be off together before the baby. Since Nathan starts back to school on Monday, his schedule becomes very hectic which doesn't allow him to have a day off. Also since his classes have changed so has his schedule for work. He will be down at PITT for the majority of the day Monday through Thursday, and then work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. While he is busy doing this I will be trying to pick up as many substitute positions as possible before the baby comes, along with getting things ready for the arrival of our new addition to our family!!
     It is kind of sad to think that Nathan and I won't have many more opportunities for the both of us to hang out, but at the same time it is beyond exciting to know we are getting so close to the baby being with us. To be honest, I don't like spending so many evenings by myself, but I understand Nathan has a busy schedule and him going to school to get his engineering degree will only make things better for us in the future. I try to remind myself of how far we have come from not being able to see each other for months at a time to now being married and sharing our home together. I just can't help that I always want to be with him. I can never get enough time with him, he leaves and a part of me always gets a little upset.
     Knowing that very soon when Nathan leaves for work or school I will no longer be by myself is such a good feeling. I am excited to bond with our little one during the day. I am excited to have little surprises for Nate(daddy) when he gets home. I am excited to take the little one down to the campus to go for a walk or have lunch with Nate on his breaks. I am excited to see Nathan work on his homework as the baby is sleeping in the same room. As much as I want Nate to be home with us once the baby is here, we will make the best of it!
     Nathan and my life is about to change very much, very soon. It is still hard to grasp the concept that we are going to be parents. Nathan and my schedule is going to be very busy from here on out, but at the same time being so busy will only make our relationship and our family stronger.
     So now that I think about it, the chance that tomorrow is our last day both being off together before the baby doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. It just means good things are about to change for better!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Love My Husband Because....

1. He always turns over and pulls me in close and tells me he loves me when he first wakes up in the morning. 

2. He ends our phone calls he always tells me he loves me at least twice. If our phone call does happen to end without him telling me he loves me, he will call back just to say it!

3. He moves my shirt to kiss the baby belly and talk to the little one, which is the cutest thing ever.

4. He is extremely ticklish and when I get a chance to get him good it is priceless to hear him laugh.

5.He gets super excited when I get a subbing job or when I am telling him about how my day went at school. Makes me feel good to know he appreciates what I am doing.

6. He can ALWAYS tell when something is wrong or upsetting me.

7. He is the hardest worker I know, especially right now with school, work, the reserves, and getting ready for the baby.

8. He is so carrying, supportive, respectful, loving, and understanding.

9. He has various names he likes to call me such as dingleberry, "his girl", and the infamous Toots!

10. He tells the best stories...hahaha NOT, but I still try to follow along even though most of them are "you had to been there" stories.

These are obviously just a few reasons why I love my husband. I am extremely fortunate to have Nathan be my partner for life. He makes me feel in a way words couldn't begin to describe. He means everything to me and I am forever grateful to have him in my life. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

6.5 Months Pregnant!!

     I can't believe I am already 6.5 months pregnant and that our shower is next month!!! I AM SO EXCITED to open all the wonderful baby gifts we will receive! I can't wait to start setting up the babies room, CAN'T WAIT!! I have a vision of what it is going to look like, now all I have to do is make that vision happen! I have thought hard about the types of books I want them to have, the kinds of toys I want them to play with, and the blankets I want them to be comfortable in.
      Now there is a lot of waiting. To be honest the time has gone pretty fast, but now that the days are growing shorter, the time can't go by fast enough. I am well aware of how hard it is to raise a baby and that it isn't all about cute outfits and nice toys, however this doesn't stop me from being super pumped to start our family. Seeing Nathan talk and kiss my belly, only goes to show how excited and how wonderful Nathan will be as a parent.
     Today was the first day that someone that I didn't know actually asked me when I was due! I was excited because it meant that not only is the baby belly very noticeable and real to me and Nate, but others can see the appearance and reality of the pregnancy as well! 
     I have to admit the only thing I can think about lately is our next sonogram, which is on Christmas Eve! I can't wait to see our baby on such a special day. It has been two months since we have seen the little one, so Christmas Eve will be a long time overdue. Being able to take home photos to share with the family over the holiday will make the wait well worth it.
     I know 6.5 months means we still have a ways to go, but it also means we already have that much time behind us. It is crazy to think that in a couple of months it is no longer Nathan and I, no longer the two of us. It will be the three of us, we will be a family of three!! Just the idea of everything is overwhelming, but overwhelming in the best way!!

Who Knew?!

      The beginning of last week I was kind of down because I felt guilty that I hadn't had a call to sub in a few days. Since I wasn't working I began messing around on my phone and I found this app called Jobulator. Jobulator is suppose to notify you, kind of in the form of a text message, that there are available jobs. Once I put that app on my phone, within an hour I had a job for a half day later that afternoon. I also ended up picking up two more jobs while I was at school that day for later on in the week. 
     Until I put the app on my phone, I would get my jobs by either a call from the school or checking online. If I would of known how much this app actually helped I would of installed it months ago. I used to get maybe three jobs throughout the week, but now these past two weeks I have a job scheduled for almost everyday! 
     Substitute teaching is hard because you never really know what you will be doing, where you will be going, or how often you will be able to sub. It is however getting easier because I am starting to learn students names and several teachers daily routines. There are a few teachers at a couple of the schools I go to that are extremely kind and always make an effort to say hello or see if I need anything. I definitely can see me having a teacher position there someday.
     People have told me that I would hate subbing, but to be honest I am aware that it is all part of climbing the ladder. If it was between me subbing and me not teaching at all, I would take subbing any day. As much as I love the idea of having me own classroom, eventually having all these substitute positions will help me gain experience which will be beneficial when I do have my own classroom. 
     Needless to say, if you are a substitute teacher looking for as many teaching opportunities as possible, put Jobulator on your phone, you will see a huge jump in the number of your teaching days, which will also be a jump in pay!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


     Getting the baby's room ready. Yesterday I was bored out of my mind once I got done running around doing what needed to be done, so I decided to start the process of changing the office into the nursery. Who knew that when I thought of this bright idea of doing it by myself, it was going to take so much time and tricky maneuvering to get everything where it needed to be.
     I started in the bedroom. There was no way I was going to be able to push the furniture around, so I had to take everything out of the drawers to make the dressers lighter. I then tried to push them but, they were getting caught on the carpet. So, I then got the creative idea to flip the furniture over onto its side so it would be smoother to push on the carpet. After a couple hours of emptying drawers, flipping furniture so I can push them, and then putting everything back in the drawers. I finally had the bedroom furniture in place. 
     Then I had this big blank wall, where the desk would eventually be going. The idea of moving another piece of furniture was not something I wanted to think about, but the idea of leaving the room unfinished bothered me more. So round two started and I took everything off and out of the desk. Nathan has so much stuff hooked up to the computer that I had no idea how I was going to hook it all back up correctly, but I decided to take it one step at a time. I pushed the desk into the bedroom and then began the process of bringing all the electronics into the bedroom so I can hook them up, or at least try to hook them up. To my surprise I hooked everything up correctly. I guess being married to Nathan has taught me a few things!!
     Once I set up the bedroom, I then cleaned up everything in what used to be the office. All the baby stuff that we have to this point is now in the future nursery!! I can't wait until we have the baby furniture, so it can really start to come together. The idea of walking into that room and knowing it is our child's bedroom and no longer an office is very exciting. Ever since Nathan and I have been married we have lived in a place that has two bedrooms. One we would use as an office and the other obviously our bedroom. But, now that room that used to be an office is no longer an office but an actual bedroom!!
     I am so excited for this baby! So excited to become a mom, so excited to read the baby books we have been collecting for their own library, and so excited to just enjoy the idea of having a family with the greatest man I know!! 
     What makes the story so important to me is that no matter what I will always find a way. Whether it be moving furniture by myself or whatever comes up in the future. Before I was pregnant I would of just pushed the furniture where I wanted it and called it a day, now being over six months pregnant I had to take extra caution to make sure the baby was safe and that I was safe. I hope the baby appreciates all the hard work and love that is being put into putting their bedroom together!!!